To be honest, I’m not entirely sure how a blog works on this new website, so if this post goes away because I’ve done things wrong, so be it. I downloaded a new template for my website a few months back. I was fed up with all the issues going wrong with my old site and it just looked so blah. So, a friend recommended a site with lovely templates, and I was off. Like a stampede of snails, really, or something slower than snails. I got caught up in the details on the back end before I could ever even think about the beauty of the site. And then more frustrated I became, the slower I advanced. (I’m incredibly stubborn.) I was updating php and trying to get that fancy little lock on my URL bar. And, it turns out, I was trying to do everything myself with the help of google, when in fact, I should have done something I almost never do: Ask. For Help.
I contacted my hosting company who walked me through most of the back end stuff that was snarling me up. I’ve called them several times and every time I’m amazed at the help they provide. My site is secure, my php has been updated, and I even have some back-ups! I know, I know. It was one of those times when I had to keep reminding myself that I am smart. I can do this. I just have to learn. And here we are…
Still learning. Still growing. But, I’d really like to grow into this site. I have a list of to-dos, obviously, as this literally my only post that is mine, but…replacing all the pages, adding more blog posts. Adding posts and pages with photos of my actual art…just to name a few. Oh! And eventually get a shop on here. So…as I grow. The questions I have are…will my Blog posts just fall in above this one? Will I have to put them all on individual pages, or does WordPress just know what I want? Do I need to go back and re-read this for accuracy, or should I just trust spell check? Ha! I will totally have to go back. And a whole bunch of other questions I’m sure I’ll have along the way.
If you’ve read this far, kudos! (also the name of a delicious bar snack of the 90’s which I kind of miss. Do they still make Kudos?) Anyway…Off to see what works! XO
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